Weather forecast for February 2, 2023 in Battle Creek, Michigan

On our website you will find weather forecast for February 2, 2023 in Battle Creek

February 2, 2023 in Battle Creek

Snow from 9:00 PM to 12:00 AM

Weather Snow (light snow)
Temperature 32° (28° — 32°)
Feels like 21°
Pressure 985 hPa (985 mb)
Humidity 47%
Clouds 75%
Wind 16 mph
February 2, 2023 in Battle Creek

Clear from 6:00 PM to 9:00 PM

Weather Clear (clear sky)
Temperature 27° (27° — 30°)
Feels like 14°
Pressure 985 hPa (985 mb)
Humidity 46%
Clouds 0%
Wind 17 mph
February 2, 2023 in Battle Creek

Clear from 3:00 PM to 6:00 PM

Weather Clear (clear sky)
Temperature 21° (21° — 22°)
Feels like
Pressure 986 hPa (986 mb)
Humidity 50%
Clouds 0%
Wind 13 mph
February 2, 2023 in Battle Creek

Clouds from 12:00 PM to 3:00 PM

Weather Clouds (few clouds)
Temperature 16° (16° — 18°)
Feels like
Pressure 988 hPa (988 mb)
Humidity 63%
Clouds 11%
Wind 12 mph
February 2, 2023 in Battle Creek

Clear from 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM

Weather Clear (clear sky)
Temperature 17°
Feels like
Pressure 989 hPa (989 mb)
Humidity 67%
Clouds 0%
Wind 10 mph
February 2, 2023 in Battle Creek

Clouds from 6:00 AM to 9:00 AM

Weather Clouds (scattered clouds)
Temperature 16°
Feels like
Pressure 991 hPa (991 mb)
Humidity 60%
Clouds 31%
Wind 9 mph
February 2, 2023 in Battle Creek

Clear from 3:00 AM to 6:00 AM

Weather Clear (clear sky)
Temperature 17° (15° — 17°)
Feels like
Pressure 992 hPa (992 mb)
Humidity 43%
Clouds 0%
Wind 8 mph
February 2, 2023 in Battle Creek

Clear from 12:00 AM to 3:00 AM

Weather Clear (clear sky)
Temperature 20° (15° — 20°)
Feels like 10°
Pressure 993 hPa (993 mb)
Humidity 55%
Clouds 7%
Wind 7 mph